School improvement


At Wembley Manor we have a rigorous and robust programme of school improvement and self-evaluation in order to drive standards and ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils. We work diligently with staff, children, parents and a wide range of stakeholders to ensure that our school continues to evolve and continues to move from strength-to-strength.

Partnerships for improvement

We were delighted to be named “School of the Year” at the National Schools Awards in November 2019. Part of this success is attributable to our close collaboration with other organisations through a range partnerships and networks; some of which are summarised below.

Challenge Partners is a practitioner-led charity that enables collaboration between schools to enhance the life chances of all children, especially the most disadvantaged.

Challenge Partners provide networks and programmes that facilitate sustainable collaboration and challenge between schools in order to underpin improvements in educational outcomes. Schools across the country share excellent practice through a robust and challenging process of Peer Review.


Growing the Top: Stand-Out Schools (Challenge Partners):

Underpinned by Challenge Partners’ core philosophy, that it is important to stimulate the top to rise higher so that the whole system moves upwards (the upwards convergence model), the programme provides opportunities for schools to establish partnerships and share their journeys towards excellence. This is achieved through research, discussions and school visit days to identify and share systemic best practice.

Brent Schools Partnership (BSP) Partners for Excellence:

Partners for Excellence is a creative and dynamic initiative which is aimed at supporting schools to improve on their previous best, and to achieve the best possible outcomes for all their pupils. We work exceptionally closely with our School Improvement Specialist, Francis Gonzalez, who leads on SEND for the partnership. Francis visits Manor School regularly throughout the year to challenge and support senior and middle leaders. 

Colleagues in various roles have benefited greatly from BSP’s high-quality continued professional development (CPD) training opportunities.

Brent, Harrow and Hertfordshire Assessment Group (BHHAG):

Wembley Manor is a proud and active member of BHHAG. Our mission as a group is to achieve the very best outcomes for our pupils through:

  • providing high quality education;
  • developing and sharing curriculum models best designed to meet their complex needs (intent, implementation, impact);
  • developing and sharing best practice in planning and assessing their progress towards and into an independent adulthood;
  • working together to continually improve the quality of our educational provision through joint evidence-based action research;
  • developing succession planning and leadership;
  • influencing systemic change at the local, regional and national level.