
At Wembley Manor we take our responsibilities for Safeguarding Children very seriously, especially as our pupils are very vulnerable. We follow Brent/London Child Protection procedures rigorously and have regular training sessions to ensure everyone is up to date with the latest information, practice and procedures.

Alongside this, we place a very high emphasis upon teaching independence and functional communication skills. We believe that this learning will support and enable our pupils to learn about keeping themselves safe, both within school and beyond. We also have a Family Link Worker who is available to support families within the child’s own home and an Education Welfare Officer who can offer advice.

Our Safeguarding and associated policies can be found on the policies page, and further information can be found in the documents below.

Online safety

More and more people are now accessing the internet for a variety of reasons, most of them innocent and legitimate, some of them not. As such, our school has robust processes in place to ensure the online safety of pupils, staff, volunteers and governors. We do this by delivering an effective approach to online safety, which empowers us to protect and educate the whole school community in its use of technology, and by establishing clear mechanisms to identify, intervene and escalate an incident, where appropriate.

Our Designated Online Safety Lead (DOSL) is Dean Newby (RPT Head of Communications, IT, and Data). Any concerns or questions should be directed to them or your child’s class teacher.

Our Online Safety policy can be found on the policies page, and further information can be found on the following websites:

  • Internet Matters – leaflets
  • UK Safer Internet Centre – parents & carers NSPCC – online safety

Data protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on Friday 25th May 2018. All Data Protection/GDPR policies can be found on our policies page.

Privacy Notices: these inform individuals of their legal rights regarding the data we process about them, why we process it – including the legal basis for doing so, how long we hold it for, and how it can be accessed – as well as other relevant information.

Subject Access Requests: if you would like access to data that you believe we hold, please contact the school office who will be able to assist you.


  • School Data Protection Lead and Lead Data Controller: Dean Newby,
  • School Data Protection Officer: Deepti Bal,
  • Information Commissioner’s Office: service -or- 0303 123 1113