Foundation subjects

At Wembley Manor we teach the foundation subjects through a broad and balanced curriculum within half-termly themes such as: Habitats, Money, People Who Help Us, Relationships, Extreme Weather etc.

We also take them into assemblies, enrichment and outdoor learning opportunities, as well as invite visitors such as dance and yoga teachers, Zoolab, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Create arts, the University Campus of Football Business, etc.

At a glance:

  • Science
  • Computing
  • PE
  • Humanities – History & Geography
  • Art & Design
  • Music
  • RE through SMSC


We aim to inspire our pupils to be curious about the world and the environment. We use a sensory, hands-on, explorative and fun way of teaching in order to meet the needs of each pupil. Science is delivered both as a discrete subject and through a cross-curricular approach. During science week, in the spring term, all our pupils have the opportunity to take part in activities, conduct their own experiments and experience being young scientists.

At KS4 pupils access science accreditations matched to their developmental level.

Our science curriculum is split into 4 strands:

Scientific Enquiry

Questioning, experiments and observations etc.

Life processes and living things

Growing, plants, animals etc.

Materials and their properties

Recycling, houses & homes, clothes etc.

Physical processes

Weather, water, volcanoes etc.


Computing at Wembley Manor is split into three sections:

Digital Literacy

Pupils learn what the different types of technology are and how to stay safe online.

Information Technology

Pupils learn how to use computers, including iPads for a purpose, such as creating, saving and editing documents.

Computer Science

Pupils learn about programming using code.

The pupils are taught computing across the curriculum, and it is actively encouraged to be taught within Maths, English and Science lessons where appropriate.

Information about online safety and our approach to it can be found on our Safeguarding page.

Physical Education

PE is essential to our curriculum offer as a way to promote a healthy lifestyle, keeping active, and understanding their own bodies.  Many skills learnt during PE are transferable to home and the wider community.

Dressing skills promote independence, whilst the ability to play and compete alongside peers helps establish friendships and relationships through a shared enjoyment of activity.

They will begin to understand that rules and instructions are important and that participation and competition can be fun. Pupils have the opportunity to set personal bests and compete against themselves in order to feel a sense of achievement and pride as they improve.

Core areas of our PE curriculum are split into 5 strands:


Rolls, using equipment, balance etc.


Movement to music, routines, teamwork, performance etc.


Striking, fielding, football, basketball, tag rugby, hockey etc.


Running, jumping , throwing, relays etc.

Outdoor & Adventure

Orienteering and team building etc.


Water safety.


In History, children learn about changes in their own lives and the way of life of their family or others around them. Children learn about the past events from the history of Britain and the wider world.

In order to develop an integrated understanding of History, pupils have opportunities to visit historic sites, to learn about past in order to understand the present.

Social awareness is developed in history through work on the features of past societies and events, and through study of the experiences of peoples of varying religious, ethnic and cultural traditions.

Our Geography curriculum offers opportunities for pupils to develop a factual base of information about the world and the local community, to learn about the importance of maps and atlases, to develop understanding of places, to gain a wider experience of the world around us.

The pupils will look at their world around them throughout the seasons experiencing a variety of different weather.

We involve pupils in differentiated practical projects about the environment, concerning and carrying about the surroundings, looking at similarities and differences in the world around us.

Beyond the school gates, History and Geography is used to help our children explore the local area. The local parks, the buildings, the shops, the library, the cinema, all offer children a lived experience of the humanities subjects.

Art & Design

At Wembley Manor, we value art and design as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum.

It provides the opportunity to develop children’s curiosity and creativity through exploration of culture and the world around by expressively recording ideas, interests and experiences. They will develop knowledge of techniques and mediums, whilst looking at a diversity of famous artists, designers and cultures. Their work will be shared and celebrated with others through displays.

Our goal is to develop a skill and interest that could become a hobby for life or support pupils in future careers.

Art explores famous artists and work from around the world and is broken into 5 strands:


Lines and shapes, still life, portraits etc


Colour mixing, imitation, brush strokes etc.


Patterns, repeated patterns, etching etc.

Sculpture/ 3D

Clay pots, 3D modelling etc.

Collage/ Textiles

Mixed media, textures etc.

Music is a vital part of the curriculum for our pupils. We often find that pupils respond to and access learning through music, for example as part of a welcome to class in the morning, or a song to support learning new vocabulary in maths, literacy or any of our themes, as it helps them to remember learning in a fun way. Pupils are also able to express themselves through exploring instruments and songs in specialist music lessons. Pupils can use sound to understand and express feelings and emotions which they would perhaps struggle to communicate otherwise. They explore different cultures and communities through songs and learn to perform in front of others. Some children join our school choir which performs at different events.


SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. SMSC is cross-curricular and has our pupils at the centre of its content.

Spiritual: Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.

As a school, we celebrate special events that reflect the diverse faith backgrounds of our pupils, families and staff. This is done through assemblies, stories, music, art and shared reflection at the end of the school day.

Moral: Recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.

At Wembley Manor, we support each pupil to reflect and question on their actions and how they impact others. We seek to promote a caring and fair environment where each pupil is valued and able to thrive. This is supported through our PSHE/Seal activities, clear and high expectations of behaviour, recycling initiatives and fundraising for charities including Children in Need, Save the Children, Comic Relief and our Harvest Appeal.

Social: Use a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the ‘British values of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.’

We promote experiences for our pupils to enable them to be resilient, confident and to actively contribute to their home, school, and local communities. Communication is integral and at the foundation of our learning and teaching to support our pupils in self-advocacy. We have a strong School Council who will be a steering group for advocating the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This academic year we will be partaking in “The Great Get Together” to celebrate the work we are doing in building kinder communities and ensuring everyone feels a sense of belonging.

Cultural: Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity. Wembley Manor is rich in diversity and we celebrate and embrace this daily and in assemblies as well as in our special events with parents such as International Day and Black History Month where all partake in a shared buffet.