
At Wembley Manor we understand that ‘improving the quality or power by adding something else’ is what is needed to ensure our pupils receive the very best enrichment opportunities.

A culture of enrichment ensures that all practitioners are constantly striving to identify opportunities to provide something more. Opportunities to develop not only learning and understanding experiences, but also, pastoral experiences that support Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural experiences and prepare our children for the next stage in their life. Forging links with communities, accessing activities they can enjoy and developing the independence to access these.

In addition to a Broad and Balanced Curriculum that encompasses a wide range of subjects we look for opportunities to provide additional experiences:

  • Excel Clubs - provide opportunities for additional Dance, PE & Team Games, IT & Coding, Choir, Beauty Shop, Bracelet making, Spanish, Photography and many more
  • Ambassadors – This group of students are partly democratically elected and some are identified and chosen who may need additional mentoring into roles of responsibility, in order to access additional opportunities to experience success and achievement.
  • School Council – The democratically elected pupil council who have worked closely with the Borough to advocate on our behalf, ensuring all the voices and views of Manor School children are heard
  • Yoga – Weekly sessions delivered by a specialist yoga teacher for classes, smaller groups and bespoke individual sessions as needed to match our pupils needs
  • Bang – BANG designs and creates projects and services for young people and communities to develop their personal and professional skills so that they can achieve their goals for life and careers. Pupils have taken part in the Grow project where they tend to an allotment and learn about nature, botany and gardening.
  • Museum Trips – to embed cross curricular learning and enjoy opportunities to travel through central London
  • Guest Celebrity Authors – Marcella Ferreria – Author of Bear: A Story of Autism and Difference.
  • Library visits – to both local Libraries as pupils forge links with the community and access quality public services
  • Year 7 Residential – Woodrow
  • Skiing – Snowbility, a personalised ski and snowboarding coaching programme for people with additional needs and mental health challenges.
  • Choir Trips – Our wonderful children represented the school at prestigious events Including Wembley Arena and The Luton Airport Christmas Choirs charity event.
  • Music 1:1s - Children work with Brent Music Service and receive recorder, ukulele and singing lessons.
  • Zoolab – Offering workshops educating pupils about animals and the natural world.
  • TfL Trips
  • CREATE Arts poetry – Poems published and displayed at Willesden Green station.