Pupil voice

‘Nothing about us without us!’

We understand that pupil voice is integral to ensuring we are moving forward with our children’s best interests in mind and that they are helping us shape best provision. Our pupils, where able, are encouraged to share their ideas, wishes and suggestions and advocate for peers also. We use a two pronged approach to harness pupil voice to ensure as much as possible of what we do, is influenced by our pupils contributions.

Wembley Manor School Council:

We have a pupil School Council, partly democratically elected and some are identified and chosen who may need additional mentoring into roles of responsibility, in order to access additional opportunities to experience success and achievement. They discuss issues pertinent to them such as: Conflict resolution, Environmental issues, local community projects, developing hobbies skills and interests and supporting peers to be happy healthy and heard! We aim to appoint up to 15 school councillors each year and these are elected by their peers to advocate on their behalf and attend meetings to share pupil voice.

Ambassadors duties include:

  • Fortnightly meetings
  • Hosting visitors
  • TFL Stars
  • Special Trips

The priorities for the Wembley Manor School council are to:

  • Be respectful
  • Share ideas
  • Be good representatives for their school
  • Work together
  • Be kind to others