British Values

We promote British Values throughout our curriculum, supporting all pupils to experience these concepts at a level that is meaningful for them, e.g:

  • Democracy – teaching functional requesting and appropriate refusal/rejection; respecting choices and using our understanding of pupils’ individual differences to personalise their offer; engaging with School Council elections
  • The rule of law – class rules; clear boundaries and expectations; supporting pupils to self regulate and maintain positive behaviour
  • Individual liberty – personalised reinforcement schedules and constant assessment of motivation; teaching functional communication (e.g. no, stop)
  • Mutual respect – modelling empathy and compassion; teaching functional communication, including requesting for attention politely and accepting no; honouring communicative attempts
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs – celebrating special events relating to the diverse backgrounds of our pupils, families and staff, through assemblies, parades, stories, arts and craft, music, costume, bring and share buffets, etc., making these accessible and meaningful for all pupils.