
Wembley Manor is a special secondary school located in the London Borough of Brent. Wembley Manor educates children and young people aged between 11 and 15 years old. Pupils have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and associated learning difficulties (including communication, speech & language and multisensory needs). All pupils on roll have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

  • Wembley Manor currently accommodates 60 pupils at Key Stage Three. It is located on the grounds of Newman Catholic College in the Harlesden area (NW10 3RN).

Securing a place for your child at Wembley Manor involves a three-way conversation between families, the school and the commissioning local authority. It can be a little confusing, so we hope that this step-by-step guide helps you to navigate the process.

Ultimately, whether your child commences at Wembley Manor School depends on:

  • Whether you like Wembley Manor School and feel that it’s an appropriate setting for your child.
  • Whether your local authority agrees that a special school is best for your child and agrees to fund a place.
  • Whether we have the space and resources available to meet your child’s individual needs.


The Admissions process

Step 1: Talk to your local authority’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) team 

You should be able to find contact details in the education section of your council’s website.  The SEND Team will assess your child’s needs, and if appropriate, issue an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  The EHCP will likely indicate whether or not the local authority believes that your child would benefit from being in a specialist setting such as Wembley Manor.  

Step 2: Arrange an informal visit to Wembley Manor to see what we can offer your child 

If the local authority concludes that your child would benefit from being in a special school, you should arrange to visit schools that might be able to meet your child’s needs. It is often helpful to visit as many different school as possible as this will help you with the decision-making process. If you wish to visit our school, please contact the administration team on the relevant contact number below to book a space on one of our scheduled school tours. 

  • Wembley Manor (Secondary Provision) for children in Yr7 to Yr9: 0208 968 3160

You do not need to bring your child on this initial visit; it is just an opportunity for you to see the school and to ask any questions that you may have. 

Step 3: Inform the local authority of your preferred choice of school 

Assuming that the local authority agrees that your child should attend a special school, the next step is for you to inform their SEND Team that you’d like them to ‘consult.’ If you live outside of Brent, your local authority may suggest alternative schools that are closer to where you live.

If the local authority agrees to Wembley Manor School as an option, they will send a consultation letter and other paperwork for us to consider. 

Step 4: The school formally assesses the referral 

At this stage, we will look to match incoming referrals with any available vacancies. We consider a child’s age together with their educational, medical, behavioural and physical needs.

Step 5: Meeting with your child 

If on paper it looks like we can meet your child’s needs, we will likely contact your local authority before arranging a visit to your child’s current setting; this is so that we can observe them in an environment that they are familiar with. If your child is currently without a placement, we may contact you to arrange a home visit.

This face-to-face meeting is an important opportunity for us to find out more about your child’s needs; it also helps us to ascertain what resources would be required in order for us to fully meet them.  

Step 6: The school tells your local authority if we think we are right for your child 

If we have a suitable vacancy available, we will inform your local authority of this. The local authority will then decide if they’re in agreement with Wembley Manor School being named in your child’s EHCP. If we don't have a vacancy but feel that we can meet your child’s needs, we will inform your local authority that we are unable to offer a placement at this moment in time.

We do not keep a “waiting list,” but welcome further consultations on a termly basis.

Step 7: Your local authority formally lets you know whether your child has a place at Wembley Manor School

You will hear from your local authority first, not from us. 

Step 8: The school sends you a letter 

If you are offered a place via your local authority, we will write to you to inform you of your child’s proposed start date; we will also share lots of other important information at this stage.

Useful Links

If you live in the London Borough of Brent, you can find information about special educational needs and disability provision, including school admissions here: Special Educational Needs 0-25 Team | Brent Council